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Transition to a new Pastor

Transition Team Happenings

So, where are we in this exciting process?  What is this process?  Who can I talk to about the process?  How do I get involved or more involved in the conversation?  Those are questions that this page is here to help answer.  But the discussion is happening in lots of different ways, so watch for opportunities through all the normal channels - bulletin, The Call newsletter, email, temple talks, and maybe some new ones you might not have seen before. 

Pastor Scottie Lloyd accepted a call and will begin his ministry to this congregation on October 1.  We are grateful to God and all the people of God who provided guidance during this transition process.    

Overview of Pastoral Transition Process
 Where are We?

(Some work is concurrent and may be in progress simultaneously)

X Bishop appoints Interim Minister in consultation with Congregational Council.
X Congregation, Bishop, & Interim Minister establish Covenant Agreement.

Pastor Tim received as Interim 12/19/2010. 
What we promised.

X Council Establishes Transition Team.
Installed 2/6/2011

Transition Team develops plan to manage five developmental tasks for interim ministry.

  1. Coming to Terms with History (history web page).  17 minute meeting overheads.
  2. Discovering a New Identity
  3. Dealing with Shifts in Power
  4. Strengthening Denominational Ties
  5. Commitment to New Leadership
A continuous process throughout
x Transition Team evaluates congregational membership and seeks appropriate means and alternatives to engage every member of the congregation.

Transition Team develops various media, methods, and means to engage the congregation in dialogue to come to an understanding of the identity and characteristics of the LCOS ministry.  This is a progressive process with one step following from the previous. 


Transition Team Characterizes/Interviews/Surveys the Congregation to define:

  • Who We Are
  • Our Purpose
  • Our Giftedness
  • Our Mission
  • Our Leadership Needs

                       Competed 6/20/2011
Survey 2:  What are we like as a Congregation?

Survey 2 Results

Survey 3:  Who are we and why are we here?

Survey 4:  What are our gifts?

Survey 3 & 4 Results

Survey 5: LCOS History: What have we learned?

Survey 5 Results

Survey 6: What gifts do we need in our next pastor?

Survey 6 Results

Survey 7:  Mutual Expectations

Survey 7 Results

X Congregation engages in meetings, surveys, and dialogues concerning defining of self, mission, and leadership needs.
Completed 6/20/2011

Transition Team Summarizes results of surveys and research in Ministry Site Profile.

 Completed 6/26/2011

Council Nominates and Congregation votes to establish Call Committee: Elected:

Felton Anderson
Tim Ball
Joanne Burling
Bob Eisenbeisz
Michael Gillespie
Dwayne Mugiishi
James Penman
Dennis Pringle
Amy Williams
Neal Williams

Congregational Meeting held June 26, 2011
X Transition Team, Call Committee, Council, and Pacifica Synod Bishop Murray Finck meet to review Ministry Site Profile
 Completed July 10, 2011
X Call Committee Finalizes Ministry Site Profile
Completed September 6, 2011  
X Congregational Council Approves final Copy of Ministry Site Profile

Approved September 6, 2011, Filed Sept 8, 2011

See Summary Description, a very small, but the most visible section of the 14 page Ministry Site Profile.

X Bishop's Office identifies candidates 11/11/2011, Bishop Finck brought 4 names to Call Committee

Call Committee reviews conducts candidate interviews

Approximately 11/8/2011 - 6/2012, Call Committee went through interviews with several lists of candidates and interviewed candidates chose to withdraw for various personal reasons.  The Call Committee and congregation spent time in prayer waiting for a new lists, the Synod office reviewed more candidates, and candidates reviewed the Ministry Site Profile.  At the end of June a new list of candidates was presented to the Call Committee and during July the Call Committee conducted interviews with potential candidates.


Call Committee determines candidate of choice and presents name to Council for approval

Completed at special meeting of Call Committee and Council on 7/19/2012
Important Announcement: 7/22/2012

X Call Committee invites candidate for second interview, plans and holds social event for candidate and congregation
Social event scheduled for August 4, 2:00-4:00 p.m.  


Congregational Council Finalizes Compensation & Benefits Package
Completed at special meeting of Call Committee and Council on 7/19/2012  


Congregational Council sets Congregation Meeting to vote on candidate and approve compensation /benefits package
Scheduled for August 12, 11:30 a.m.  


Congregation votes on candidate and compensation/benefits package
Unanimous votes on August 12, 11:30 a.m.


Candidate Receives and then accepts or returns letter of call within 30 days


Congregational Council Completes and submits all Call Documents to Office of Bishop
Done on August 12 , Start date is October 1

Recognizing that we each come with different gifts and we all have many gifts combined, each and every member of the congregation has an important role to play in this process.
What can you do?
Online Resources
Relate Keep talking to people.  People in this church, your neighbors, those you agree with, and those you don't.  We are one body of Christ offered as bread for the world.  What feeds you, your neighbors, your friends?  What are you and they hungering for? Daily Conversation on what it means to "live Lutheran"

Pray In general, you can pray for our church Council, Pastor Tim, the transition team, the eventual Call Committee (still to be formed), Candidates, the Community of San Bernardino, and this congregation.

ELCA Prayer Center


Specific prayer requests at this time:

  • For the transition Team be Spirit led and energized for this work.
  • For a good start in terms of establishing structures and methods to be effective in reaching each congregational member.
  • 3/28/2011: Assist Leaders as they go about small group discussions to define our purpose and giftedness.
  • 6/5/11: For prayerful completion of the surveys; for shared, realistic and energetic discusions, and for the Holy Spirit to guide us as we move forward in this new chapter in the life of Lutheran Church of Our Savior.
  • September & October, 2011:  Gracious God, we ask that you would continue to share your spirit of wisdom and discernment to the members of the call committee of this congregation.  We ask that you would walk with them during this time of study and interviews, paperwork and phone calls, so that your will might be done through this process.  We also ask that you would be with that person whose heart you are already working on, preparing them to receive a call to be the next pastor of this congregation.  Help them to discern your will for their gifts of ministry and be with them as they make decisions about their future and the futrue of this congregation. 


Recreation an gentle and appropriate humor can go a long way to soothing tension.  Laughing brings oxygen into the body!  Laugh boldly! Play! Be Joyful! Send a silly or encouraging card!


Games at Old Lutheran

Encourage someone with a free e-card at Lutherans Online E-Greeting Cards.

Engage the Dialogue

The questions we are on right now:

  • As we need to get information and survey questions out to every member: Who might get left out?  How can we engage them?
  • What means of communication work for you? - Bulletin, Call, Temple Talk, Email, Dedicated Mail (Letter/Survey), Phone Call, Existing Small Group, special called meeting? (Survey #1)
  • What are we like as a congregation (#2) via bulletin & Call?
  • What is our purpose(#3) via small groups & forum, our giftedness (#4) via 17 min meetings?
    What is our sense of shared history and what have we learned? (History timeline display/May Call Article/May 17-minute meetings)

Talk to any transition team member or email responses to:



Synod office staff, Compensation Guidelines,

Pacifica Synod comments on the process of handling Ministry Site profiles and prospective candidates.

Pacifica Synod

Mobility 101

What has happened over the years in terms of Congregational statistics? Look up Congregational Trend Information
What is happening demographically in our area in general? Look up Zip Code Information. Region/Synod = 2C.  Congregation ID # =13961
What is a Call? What is the Call Process? 

"Rostered leadership is not a self-called vocation but a unique calling from God through the church to serve and equip the whole people of God. This is so that the church can live together faithfully as the body of Christ, equip the baptized for their work, and fulfill its purpose to proclaim and embody the redemptive intentions of God in the world." - A Theology of Call, available from the online ELCA Call Process Resources

ELCA - Call Process - Resources
Where do we get the words for what ELCA Beliefs - Creeds, Glossary of Terms  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


This might be a good time to spend some more time in scripture.  To hear new texts or old texts in new ways.  One way to do that is to seek out the many different translations and versions of Bibles and other Study Aids available online. 

Where was your favorite verse spoken?  What was going on in that community?  Do different translations use somewhat different words to express that precious idea?  How do those words flavor the message?  Are they more or less inclusive? 

Or meditate on a piece of Christian Art or a Hymn.  How does it speak to you today? 

What do these Biblical messages say to you about our mission in the community of San Bernardino in our time?

Online Bible study resources: (various translations, languages, encyclopedias, concordances, atlases, etc.)

http://www.blueletterbible. org/

Electronic Book Shelf - - Bible versions, Lutheran Texts, Christian Art, Hymns, and other Lutheran Study Aids

For All Ages:  Bible Quizzes, Crosswords, and Word Search!


Questions:  Contact your Transition Team:

Betty Dean Anderson

Mitch Assumma
Warren Cocke
Janice Eisenbeisz
Mary Gillespie
Jean Hughes
Marilyn Kraft
Emelie Neher
Pastor Tim Drom

Transition Team Meeting Minutes:

January 31,2011
February 10, 2011
February 28, 2011
March 14, 2011
March 28, 2011
April 11, 2011

April 25, 2011
May 9, 2011
May 23, 2011
June 6, 2011
June 20, 2011

Next Meeting: July 10, 2011 combined




Strategic Plan - Adopted 3/2004, effective to 2006.

Renovation Goals


"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11

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